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2012.08.01—2015.07.31:香港中文大学信息工程系,博士,导师:陈名华教授,Prof. Kenneth Shum





1. 高层次人才学科领军,特聘教授(2022.01.01—至今):永利集团;

2. 高层次人才学术骨干,副教授(2016.07.01—2020.12.30):永利集团;

3. 研究生处副处长(2020.06-2021.06):永利集团;

4. 兼职高级研究员(2020.05.01-至今),华为公司理论部;

5. 荣誉博士后(2018.03.01—2021.08.31:香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系,导师:Prof. Patrick P. C. Lee;

6. 博士后(2016.11.03—2017.08.31:香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系,导师:Prof. Patrick P. C. Lee;

7. 助理研究员(2015.11.16—2015.12.17:香港中文大学网络编码研究所,导师:Prof. Kenneth Shum;


1. 国家自然科学基金面上基金(NSFC NO.62371411):面向新型分布式系统的动态自适应编码计算技术研究,2024.01-2027.12,49万元,共同负责人;

2. 东莞市战略科学家团队:泛在智能化人车路城全景虚实协同系统和应用,2024.01-2028.12,1000万元,课题负责人(项目负责人:沈学民院士,5000万元);

3. 科技部重点研发计划(2020YFA0712300):隐私保护数据处理的数学方法,2021.01-2025.1270万元,子课题负责人(项目负责人:李洪波教授,1713万元);

4. 国家自然科学基金面上基金(NSFC NO.62071121):机架结构数据中心的高性能存储编码研究,2021.01—2024.1255万元,项目负责人;

5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(NSFC NO.61701115):分布式存储系统中低计算复杂度再生码研究,2018.01—2020.1230万元,项目负责人;

6. 新一代智慧实验云平台研究研发,企业委托项目,30万元,项目负责人;

7. 信息论理论研究,企业委托项目,63.6万元,项目负责人;

8. 2023年广东省研究生学术论坛-编码理论与通信技术学术论坛,10万元,项目负责人;




1. L. Yu, S.J. Lin, H. Hou(侯韩旭), Z. Li. “Reed-Solomon Coding Algorithms Based on Reed-Muller Transform for Any Number of Parities.” IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2023.

2. H. Hou(侯韩旭). “Extended EVENODD+ and STAR+ with Asymptotic Optimal Update and Efficient Decoding.” IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), 2023, 71(5)2563-2575.

3. J. Li, X. Tang, H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, B. Bai, G. Zhang.“PMDS Array Codes With Small Sub-packetization, Small Repair Bandwidth/Rebuilding Access.”IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), 2023, 69(3)1551-1566.

4. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, P. P. C. Lee, Y. Wu, G. Han and M. Blaum. “A Generalization of Array Codes with Local Properties and Efficient Encoding/Decoding.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), 2023, 69(1)107-125.

5. W. Zhou and H. Hou(侯韩旭). “Three Efficient All-Erasure Decoding Methods for Blaum-Roth Codes.”Entropy 2022, 24, 1499. https://doi.org/10.3390/e24101499.

6. Z. Li, S. J. Lin, P. Chen, Y. S. Han and H. Hou(侯韩旭). Update Bandwidth for Distributed Storage.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), 2021, 68(11)6723-6736.

7. R. Lei, H. Hou(侯韩旭) and Y. Song. Cross-Rack Updates in Vertical Array Codes Storage Systems with High Fault Tolerance. Journal of Communications and Information Networks (JCIN ), 2021, 2(6)184-196.

8. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, P. P. C. Lee. “Zigzag-Decodable Reconstruction Codes with Asymptotically Optimal Repair for All Nodes.” IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), 2020,  68(10), 5999-6011. (中科院二区)

9. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, P. P. C. Lee. “Two Classes of Binary MDS Array Codes with Asymptotically Optimal Repair for All Single Column.” IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), 2020, 68(11), 6723-6736. (中科院二区)

10. H. Hou(侯韩旭) and P. P. C. Lee. “Binary MDS Array Codes with Optimal Repair.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), 2020, 66(3)1405-1422. (CCF A)

11. K. Xing, H. Li, F. Yin, H. Ma and H. Hou(侯韩旭), et al. “Prototype of Multi-Identifier System Based on Voting Consensus.” ZTE Communications, 2020, 18(1)07-17.

12. Y, Wang, H. Li, K. Xing and H. Hou(侯韩旭), et al. “Identifier Management of Industrial Internet Based on Multi-Identifier Network Architecture.” ZTE Communications, 2020, 18(1)36-43.

13. H. Hou(侯韩旭), T. Gan, Y. Yang, X. Zhu, S. Liu, W. Guo and J. Hao. “Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Speed up Collective Cell Migration.” BMC Bioinformatics, 2019.中科院二区

14. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, P. P. C. Lee, Y. Hu and H. Li. “A New Design of Binary MDS Array Codes with Asymptotically Weak-Optimal Repair.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), 2019, 65(11)7095-7113. (CCF A)

15. H. Hou(侯韩旭), P. P. C. Lee, K. W. Shum and Y. Hu. “Rack-Aware Regenerating Codes for Data Centers.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), 2019, 65(8)4730-4745. (CCF A)

16. X. Li, K. Chen, H. Hou(侯韩旭), L. Deng and Q. Zhou. “Cache-Aided Multi-Hop UAV-Replaying Networks.” Elsevier Physical Communication, 2019, (33) 165-171. (中科院三区)

17. 李挥, 邬江兴, 邢凯轩, 侯韩旭等,多边共管的多模态网络标识域名生成管理解析原型系统,中国科学: 信息科学, 2019, 10(1360) 1186-1204

18. 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,阵列码:存储计算两相宜IEEE Spectrum 中文版 《科技纵缆》Vol.1, Issue5, p72-73, 2019. (邀请稿)

19. L. Deng, W. S. Wong, P-N. Chen, Y. S. Han and H. Hou(侯韩旭). “Delay Constrained Input-Queued Switch.” IEEE JSAC Special issue on Emerging Technologies in Tactile Internet and Backhaul/Fronthaul Networks, 2018, 36(11)2464–2474. (中科院一区)

20. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, K. W. Shum and H. Li. “A Unified Form of EVENODD and RDP Codes and Their Efficient Decoding.” IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), 2018, 66(11)5053-5066. (中科院二区)

21. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han. “A Class of Binary MDS Array Codes with Asymptotically Weak-Optimal Repair.” Science China Information Sciences, 2018, 61(10) (邀请稿).

22. H. Hou(侯韩旭) and P. P. C. Lee. “A New Construction of EVENODD Codes with Lower Computational Complexity.” IEEE Communications Letters (CL), 2018, 22(6)1120–1123. (中科院三区)

23. X. Hao, J. Hao, L. Wang and H. Hou(侯韩旭通讯作者) “Effective Norm Emergence in Cell Systems under Limited Communication.” BMC Bioinformatics, 2018. (中科院二区)

24. Y. Ren, S. Zhao, D. Jiang, H. Hou(侯韩旭) and F. Zhou “Proteomic Biomarkers for Lung Cancer Progression.” Biomarkers in Medicine, 2018. (中科院三区)

25. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han. “A New Construction and an Efficient Decoding Method for Rabin-Like Codes.” IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), 2018, 66(2)521-533. (中科院二区)

26. H. Xu, W. C. Lau, Z. Yang, G. Veciana and H. Hou(侯韩旭). “Mitigating Service Variability in MapReduce Clusters via Task Cloning: A Competitive Analysis.” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2017, 28(10)2866-2880. (CCF A类;中科院二区)

27. H. Zhang, H. Li, K. W. Shum, H. Hou(侯韩旭), S. R. Li. “Concurrent Regenerating Codes.” IET Communications, 2017, 11(3)362-369. (中科院四区)

28. 李挥,侯韩旭,祁小玉,“RGC码:流量容量两相宜”,IEEE Spectrum 中文版 《科技纵缆》Vol.5, Issue10, 2017.10(邀请稿)

29. H. Hou(侯韩旭), K. W. Shum, M. Chen, H. Li. “BASIC Codes: Low-Complexity Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage Systems.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), 2016, 62(6)3053--3069. (CCF A)

30. H. Hou(侯韩旭), K. W. Shum, H. Li. “On the MDS Condition of Blaum-Bruck-Vardy Codes with Large Number Parity Columns.” IEEE Communications Letters (CL), 2016, 20(4)644-647.

31. 李挥,侯韩旭,祁小玉,“RS码:繁简两相宜”,IEEE Spectrum 中文版 《科技纵缆》Vol.4, Issue5, P.64-652016.5(邀请稿)

32. B. Zhu, H. Li, J. Chen, H. Hou(侯韩旭). “Research on fractional repetition codes based on group divisible designs.” Journal of Communications, 2015 (in Chinese).

33. B. Zhu, H. Li, K. W. Shum and H. Hou(侯韩旭). “General Fractional Repetition Codes for Distributed Storage Systems.” IEEE Communications Letters (CL), 2014, 18(4)660--663.

34. 侯韩旭,李挥,张华宇,朱兵,“二元再生码在分布式存储系统的应用”,计算机发展与研究,201350(S2):45-53.

35. 黄显霞,李挥,张宇蒙,侯韩旭,周泰,郭涵,张华宇,“基于二元再生码的大数据存储系统研究”,计算机发展与研究,2013, 50(S2):54-63.


1. X. Qiu and H. Hou(侯韩旭),“EVENODD* Codes with More Flexible Parameters and Efficient Decoding.”IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.

2. H. Shi, Z. Jiang, Z. Huang, B. Bai, G. Zhang and H. Hou(侯韩旭), “Piggybacking+ Codes: MDS Array Codes with Linear Sub-Packetization to Achieve Lower Repair Bandwidth.”IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.

3. Z. Jiang, H. Shi, Z. Huang, B. Bai, G. Zhang and H. Hou(侯韩旭), “Toward Lower Repair Bandwidth of Piggybacking Codes via Jointly Design for Both Data and Parity Nodes.”IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.

4. Z. Jiang, B. Yu, Z. Huang, G. Zhang, Q. Hu and H. Hou(侯韩旭), “Cross-Rack Update Bandwidth for Distributed Storage Systems.”IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.

5. Q. Lyu, H. Li, X. Lin, H. Wang, H. Hou(侯韩旭), et al. “H-MIS: A Hierarchical Multi-Identifier System Based on Blockchain.”IEEE BigData, 2023.

6. C. Luo, H. Hou(侯韩旭), P. Zhang, and H. Li, “Optimal Repair Algorithm of Single-Disk Failure for Array Codes with Local Properties.”IEEE BigData, 2023.

7. S. Tan, H. Hou(侯韩旭), and L. Yu, “Reed-Solomon Codes Over Ring with Lower Computational Complexity.”IEEE BigData, 2023.

8. B. Yu, Z. Jiang, Z. Huang, L. Song and H. Hou(侯韩旭),“Product-Matrix Construction of Minimum Storage Rack-Aware Regenerating Codes.”The Fifteenth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, 2023.

9. P. Li, L. Yu, L. Song and H. Hou(侯韩旭),“A Fast Algorithm for Finding the Roots of Polynomials Over Finite Fields.”The Fifteenth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, 2023.

10. H. Hou(侯韩旭), and L. Song, “Triple-Fault-Tolerant Binary MDS Array Codes with Lower Encoding Complexity.”IEEE REDUNDANCY, 2023.

11. H. Hou(侯韩旭), and L. Song, “On the MDS Condition of Generalized Expanded-Blaum-Roth Codes.”IEEE REDUNDANCY, 2023.

12. L. Zhong, G. Han, H. Hou(侯韩旭), Q. Hai, “Optimizing Repair-Cost of Locally Repairable Codes for Hot Data in Cluster Storage Systems.”2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData, 2022).

13. L. Zou, H. Hou(侯韩旭), X. Zhou, “Systematic MDS Array Codes Correcting a Single Criss-Cross Error with Lower Update Complexity.”2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData, 2022).

14. J. Liu, G. Han, H. Hou(侯韩旭),“Some Results on Optimal Octonion-Field Locally Repairable Codes of Distance 3 and 4.”2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData, 2022).

15. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, B. Bai, and G. Zhang, “Towards Efficient Repair and Coding of Binary MDS Array Codes with Small Sub-packetization." 2022 International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2022), Espoo, Finland, June, 2022.

16. H. Shi, H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, P. P. C. Lee, Z. Jiang, Z. Huang, and B. Bai, “New Piggybacking Codes With Lower Repair Bandwidth for Any Single-Node Failure." 2022 International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2022), Espoo, Finland, June, 2022.

17. J. Li, X. Tang, H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, B. Bai, and G. Zhang,“PMDS Array Codes With Small Sub-Packetization Level and Small Repair Bandwidth." 2022 International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2022), Espoo, Finland, June, 2022.

18. H. Hou(侯韩旭), and P. P. C. Lee, STAR+ Codes: Triple-Fault-Tolerant Codes with Asymptotically Optimal Updates and Efficient Encoding/Decoding.IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), October 2021.

19. Z. Li, Y. S. Han, T. Y. Wu, H. Hou(侯韩旭), B. Bai, and G. Zhang, On the Repair Bandwidth and Repair Access of Two Storage Systems: Large-Scale and Uniform Rack-Aware Storage Systems. IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), October 2021.12.

20. H. Fu, H. Hou(侯韩旭,通讯作者), and L. Zhang, “Extended EVENODD+ Codes with Asymptotically Optimal Updates and Efficient Encoding/Decoding.” IEEE 2021 XVII International Symposium Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems (REDUNDANCY), October 2021.

21. H. Hou(侯韩旭), and P. P. C. Lee, “Generalized Rack-aware Regenerating Codes for Jointly Optimal Node and Rack Repairs.”Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2021), July 2021.

22. Z. Jiang, H. Hou(侯韩旭,通讯作者), Y. S. Han, Z. Huang, B. Bai, and G. Zhang, “An Efficient Piggybacking Design with Lower Repair Bandwidth and Lower Sub-packetization.”Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2021), July 2021.

23. Y. Lan, H. Hou(侯韩旭,通讯作者), and P. Zhang, “Efficient Repair Algorithm for Information Column of EVENODD(p,4) Codes.” IEEE 20th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2020), October, 2020.

24. Y. Wu, H. Hou(侯韩旭,通讯作者), Y. S. Han, P. P. C. Lee, and G. Han, “Generalized Expanded-Blaum-Roth Codes and Their Efficient Encoding/Decoding.” IEEE 2020 Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2020), December, 2020.

25. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Patrick P. C. Lee, and Yunghsiang S. Han, “Toward Optimality in Both Repair and Update via Generic MDS Code Transformation.” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2020), June 2020.

26. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Patrick P. C. Lee, and Yunghsiang S. Han, “Minimum Stor- age Rack-Aware Regenerating Codes with Exact Repair and Small Sub- Packetization.” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2020), June 2020.

27. K. W. Shum, H. Hou(侯韩旭), “Network Coding Based on Byte-wise Circular Shift and Integer Addition.” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2020), June 2020.

28. X. Yu, H. Hou通讯作者 and G. Han, “Comparison on Vandermonde and Cauchy MDS Array Codes in Distributed Storage Systems.” IEEE the 2th World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (WSAI 2020), 2020.

29. S. Huang, H. Hou通讯作者 and X. Yu, “A Lower Bound on Disk Reads for Single Failure Recovery and One Recovery Scheme for EVENODD(p,3).” IEEE the 9th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications 2019 (IWSDA 2019), 2019.

30. K. W. Shum, H. Hou(侯韩旭), “Network Coding Based on Byte-wise Circular Shift and Integer Addition.” Accepted in IEEE the 9th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications 2019 (IWSDA 2019), 2019.

31. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han and P. P. C. Lee. “Binary MDS Array Codes with Asymptotically Optimal Repair for All Columns.” The 28th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2019), 2019 (邀请稿).

32. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han, P. P. C. Lee, Q. Zhou. New Regenerating Codes over Binary Cyclic Codes.”IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2019), July 2019.

33. J. Xian, L. Zhang, H. Hou(侯韩旭). “Efficient Updates in Erasure-Coded Storage Systems.” IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering (EITCE), 2019.

34. S. Huang, H. Hou(通讯作者), Y. S. Han. “An Improved MDS Condition of Blaum-Roth-Vardy Codes.” IEEE International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Procession 2018.

35. J. Ze, H. Hou(通讯作者), Y. S. Han. “Comparison on Binary MDS Array Codes for Single Disk Failure Recovery.” ICIMT 2018.

36. K. Li, H. Li, H. Hou(侯韩旭), K. Li and Y. Chen. “Proof of Vote: A High-Performance Consensus Protocol Based on Vote Mechanism \& Consortium Blockchain.” The 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2017), December 18-20, 2017.

37. Z. Lin, K. Li, H. Hou(侯韩旭), X. Yang, and H. Li. “MDFS: A Mimic Defense Theory based Architecture for Distributed File System.” The 5th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, December 11-14, 2017.

38. J. Zhang, H. Hou(侯韩旭), K. Li, and H. Li. “On the Implementation of Efficient BRS Codes in Ceph.” The 5th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, December 11-14, 2017.

39. H. Hou(侯韩旭), P. P. C. Lee, Y. S. Han, and Y. Hu. “Triple-Fault-Tolerant Binary MDS Array Codes with Asymptotically Optimal Repair.” Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2017), June 2017.

40. H. Hou(侯韩旭), Y. S. Han. “BASIC Codes for Distributed Storage Systems.” The 26th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2017), 2017 (邀请稿).

41. X. Qi, H. Li, H. Hou(侯韩旭). “Thrive-Code: An MDS Coding Scheme with Better Performance.” IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), 2016.

42. Y. Zhang, H. Li, T. Zhou, J. Chen, H. Hou(侯韩旭). “A Practical Study of Exact-BASIC Codes at the MSR Point in Distributed Storage Systems.” Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS), March 2015.

43. H. Hou(侯韩旭), K. W. Shum, M. Chen, H. Li. “New MDS Array Code Correcting Multiple Disk Failures.” IEEE Globecom, October 2014.

44. K. W. Shum, H. Hou(侯韩旭), M. Chen, H. Xu, and H. Li. “Regenerating codes over binary cyclic codes.” IEEE ISIT, July 2014.

45. J. Chen, H. Li, H. Hou(侯韩旭), B. Zhu, L. Lu and Y. Zhang. A New Zigzag MDS Code with Optimal Encoding and Efficient Decoding. IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Silicon Valley, October 2014.

46. H. Hou(侯韩旭), K. W. Shum and H. Li. “Construction of Exact-BASIC Codes for Distributed Storage Systems at the MSR Point.” Workshop on distributed storage system and coding for Big Data, IEEE Conf. on Big Data, October 2013.

47. X. Huang, H. Li, T. Zhou, Y. Zhang, H. Guo, H. Hou(侯韩旭), H. Zhang, K. Lei. “Minimum Storage BASIC Codes: A System Perspective.” IEEE International Conference on Big Data, October 2013.

48. H. Hou(侯韩旭), K. W. Shum, M. Chen and H. Li. “BASIC Regenerating Code: Binary Addition and Shift for Exact Repair.” IEEE ISIT, July, 2013.

49. H. Hou(侯韩旭), H. Li and K. W. Shum. “General Self-repairing Codes for Distributed Storage Systems.” IEEE ICC, Jun, 2013.

50. H. Hou(侯韩旭), H. Li, H. Zhang, B. Zhu. “The Application of Binary Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage Systems.” CCF Big Data, 2013.

51. X. Huang, H. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Hou(侯韩旭), T. Zhou, H. Guo, H. Zhang. “Study on Binary Regenerating Codes for Big Data Storage Systems.” CCF Big Data, 2013.

52. H. Hou(侯韩旭), H. Li. “Practical Self-repairing Codes for Distributed Storage.” IEEE Asia Pacific Cloud Computing Congress, Nov, 2012.

53. H. Hou(侯韩旭), H. Li. “The Characterization of Multi-source Multicast with Network Coding.” 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), pp.1271-1275, 2012.

54. Y. Han, H. Li, H. Hou(侯韩旭). “A Model of Erasure-Coding-Based Distributed File System.” IEEE Asia Pacific Cloud Computing Congress, Nov, 2012.

55. M. Zhang, H. Li, F. Chen, H. Hou(侯韩旭), H. An, W. Wang, J. Huang. “A General Co/Decoder of Network Coding in HDL.” IEEE Network Coding (NetCod), Jun, 2011.


1. 侯韩旭(排名:1/3.“修复多节点失效的MDS阵列码编码以及解码方法”. 专利号: 2017101566316. 授权时间: 2019.10.22.

2. 侯韩旭(排名:1/7.“一种修复二进制阵列码校验矩阵的构造方法及修复方法”. 专利号: 2018109059634. 授权时间: 2020.11.06.

3. 侯韩旭(排名:1/3. “一种社交网络舆论演变方法”. 专利号: 2018800015709. 授权时间: 2022.05.13.

4. 侯韩旭(排名:1/5. “一种通用的Expanded-Blaum-Roth码的编码方法及其解码方法”. 专利号: 2020109638418. 授权时间: 2023.03.24.

5. 侯韩旭(排名:1/3.“一种基于智能电网的多智能体深度强化学习代理方法”. 专利号: 2018800008584. 授权时间: 2023.05.05.

6. 侯韩旭(排名:6/6. “一种具有汗液传感器的智能床垫”. 专利号: 2017108462178. 授权时间: 2019.12.20.

7. 侯韩旭(排名:3/3. “一种基于策略重用和强化学习的导航路径规划方法”. 专利号: 2019102559268. 授权时间: 2020.09.25.

8. 侯韩旭(排名:3/3. “一种传感器”. 专利号: 2019111464958. 授权时间: 2021.09.21.

9. 侯韩旭(排名:3/6. “一种均衡的网络拓扑生成方法”. 专利号: 2019100805342. 授权时间: 2021.12.31.

10. 侯韩旭(排名:3/3. “一种具有基ISFET的化学传感器的床垫”. 专利号: 2019111460603. 授权时间: 2022.02.01.

11. 侯韩旭(排名:2/3. “EVENODD码的编码方法及其解码方法”. 专利号: 2021106385718. 授权时间: 2023.01.24.

12. 侯韩旭(排名:4/5. “部分复制码的构建方法、装置及其数据修复的方法”. 专利号: 2014800787509. 授权时间: 2020.12.08.

13. 侯韩旭(排名:6/7. “一种基于并行投票的共识方法”. 专利号: 2020108019938. 授权时间: 2021.06.29.

14. 侯韩旭(排名:7/10. “一种基于投票的共识方法”. 专利号: 2018800042195. 授权时间: 2022.03.25.

15. 侯韩旭(排名:18/23. “一种支持多模标识网络寻址渐进去IP的方法、系统及存储介质”. 专利号: 2019800050571. 授权时间: 2022.03.29.

16. 侯韩旭(排名:7/8. “一种支持分组通信网络寻址路由标识不断演进的方法及系统”. 专利号: 2020116258428. 授权时间: 2022.06.17.

17. 侯韩旭(排名8/8. “一种支持并行转发的多标识路由器架构实现方法及系统”. 专利号: 2022108070524. 授权时间: 2022.09.30.

18. 侯韩旭(排名:10/14. “多边共管多标识天地一体化智能网联汽车高安全专网系统”. 专利号: 2022112314521. 授权时间: 2022.12.23.

19. 侯韩旭(排名:6/6. “一种融合区块链技术拟态存储防篡改日志的方法及系统”. 专利号: 2018800931620. 授权时间: 2023.01.17.

20. H. Li, X. Huang, H. Hou, T. Zhou, B. Zhu, C. Chen, J. Zhou. “A Data Storage Method, Device and Distributed Network Storage System.” No. US9961142B2, 2018.05.01.(美国授权发明专利)

21. H. Li, Y. Li, C. Chen, J. Zhou, H. Zhang, J. Feng, Y. Zhang, H. Hou, H. Guo, H. An. “An Ip Multicast Layered Distributed Method And System.” App. No.13818364.

22. H. Li, H. Hou, B. Zhu. “The construction of MBR (minimum bandwidth regenerating) codes and a method to repair the storage nodes.” No. US9722637B2, 2017.08.01. (美国授权发明专利)

23. H. Hou, H. Li, B. Zhu. “Method for encoding MSR (minimum-storage regenerating) codes and repairing storage nodes.” No. US9647698B2, 2018.05.09, 2017.05.09. (美国授权发明专利)

24. 李挥,朱兵,侯韩旭,陈畅民,周敬邦,范曦东,一种通用射影自修复码的编码,数据重构和修复方法ZL20138006373.0,2017.12.01(中国授权发明专利)

25. 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,一种最小存储再生码的编码和存储节点修复方法ZL201380001960.3,2017.07.11

26. 李挥,侯韩旭,冯俊秋,张华宇,朱兵,韩元波,多信源动态网络编码的方法及装置ZL201280075605.6,2018.01.05

27. 李挥,黄显霞,侯韩旭基于同态的自修复码的编码,解码和数据修复方法及其存储系统ZL201280032802.X,2016.12.14

28. 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,一种最小带宽再生码的编码和存储节点修复方法ZL201380001964.1, 2016.10.05

29. 李挥,吉书龙,侯韩旭,张华宇,韩元波,张卫,姜军,用于分布式网络存储的自修复码的编码,重构和修复方法ZL201280074817.2, 2018.02.13







1. ENGG2310A: Principles of Communication Systems, Spring 2015

2. IERG3921-L01: Information Engineering Laboratory, Fall 2014

3. IERG2050: Signals and systems, Fall 2013;

4. ENGG2020: Digital Logic Systems, Spring 2013;

5. ENGG2310A: Principles of Communication Systems, Fall 2012;


共同主席:2023 IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for BigData;

Publication Chair: IEEE the 9th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications 2019 (IWSDA 2019)


Technical Program Committee 专家:IEEE ICCT 2022; IEEE the 9th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications 2019 (IWSDA 2019)5th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data; ITA2021 (6th Annual International Conference on Information Technology and Applications)


志愿者:INFOCOM 2015, ISIT 2015 and Sigcomm 2013


1. 24届中国电子学会全国信息论学术年会最佳论文奖,2017

2. 2018年度深圳市科技进步奖二等奖,强一致电信级分布式数据库关键技术及应用(该项目已被广泛应用于多个银行和电信运营商的数据存储系统中),2018

3. 26届中国电子学会全国信息论学术年会最佳论文奖,2019

4. 2020年度中国电子学会信息论青年新星奖,2020

5. 2020年度IEEE Transactions on Communications模范审稿人(Exemplary Reviewers,少于2%被评为模范审稿人),2020

6. 2020年区块链技术网络安全应用创新大赛优秀作品奖,2020

7. 2023年度华为公司难题揭榜-火花奖一等奖(最高奖),2023

8. 2023年度华为公司创新先锋一等奖(最高奖),2023

侯韩旭简介:侯韩旭博士,香港中文大学信息工程系和北京大学电子科学与技术双博士学位,现任永利集团领军人才特聘教授,华为理论研究部兼职高级研究员;主要研究方向为分布式存储编码、编码理论、数据中心、存储编码等。发表信息论与编码方向国际顶级期刊和会议论文80余篇,著有专著一部。授权美国发明专利和中国发明专利30余项,其中美国授权专利5项,中国授权专利20余项。提出的部分编码技术和算法已被应用于多个大数据项目并获得广泛应用,已转让给大数据公司四项中国发明专利。主持/共同主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、科技部重点研发计划项目子课题1项,技术骨干参与973科技部重点项目1项和国家自然科学基金项目3项。两次获得(2017年和2019年,均第一作者)中国电子学会信息论全国学术年会最佳论文奖,2018年深圳市科技进步二等奖,2020年中国电子学会信息论青年新星奖,2020年度IEEE Transactions on Communications模范审稿人(Exemplary Reviewers,少于2%被评为模范审稿人),2020年度华为公司香港研究所所长奖,2023年度华为公司难题揭榜-火花奖一等奖和2023年度华为公司创新先锋一等奖。长期担任国际顶级期刊IEEE TIT, IEEE TCOM, IEEE CL和国际信息论年会IEEE ISIT的评审人。

Hanxu Hou received the B.Eng. degree in Information Security from Xidian University, Xian, China, in 2010, and Ph.D. degrees in the Dept. of Information Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2015 and in the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering from Peking University in 2016. He is currently with Dongguan University of Technology, and Honorary Post-doc of the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was a recipient of the 2020 Chinese Information Theory Young Rising Star Award by China Information Theory Society. He was recognized as an Exemplary Reviewer 2020 in IEEE Transactions on Communications. His research interests include erasure coding and coding for distributed storage systems.

