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1992.09-1996.07 武汉测绘科技大学(现并入武汉大学),光学技术与光电仪器,学士

1996.09-1999.03 天津大学,物理电子学,硕士

1999.03-2002.06 天津大学,光学工程,博士


2002.07-2004.07 中国科学院物理研究所,博士后

2004.07-2011.12 Department of Physic, Heriot-Watt University, UK , Research Associate

2011.12-2016.03 华中科技大学,教授

2016.03-2017.10 Institute of Physical and Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, UK , Research Associate

2016.10-至今 永利3044官网,教授








2. 基于高重复频率双飞秒激光频率梳的精密三维测量系统,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金区域联合基金重点项目,2020,100万






1. Zihua Zheng, Sijie Yang, D. T. Reid, Zhiyi Wei, Jinghua Sun, “Design of quasi-phase-matching nonlinear crystals based on quantum computing”, Frontiers in Physics, 10:1038240(2022).

2. 柏汉泽,钟艺峰,任炽明,黄俊杰,田劲东,熊德平,孙敬华,“高次谐波锁模飞秒掺镱光纤激光器的噪声情况”,红外与激光工程,51(8),20210779(2022)。

3. 容驷驹; 陈新度; 孙敬华; 梅领亮; 柏汉泽; 何鹏; 练彬,“双光梳重复频率差异步锁定技术研究”,红外与激光工程,51(11),20220108(2022)。

4. Haoyu Wu, Zhaiqiong Zhang, Si Chen, Kexiong Sun, Jinghua Sun, Derryck T Reid, Zehuang Lu, Jie Zhang, “Development of a deep-ultraviolet pulse laser source operating at 234 nm for direct cooling of Al+ ion clocks,”Optics Express, 29(8), 11468-11478 (2021).

5. Renbing Tian, Peng Ji, Zhichao Luo, Jiaming Li, Jinghua Sun, “Room-temperature NH 3 gas sensor based on atomically dispersed Co with a simple structure”, New Journal of Chemistry, 45(23), 10240-10247(2021).

6. Renbing Tian, Peng Ji, Lingyu Wang, Hui Zhang, Jinghua Sun, “TNT sensor based on accumulation layer and effective distance of FRET mechanism with ultra-high sensitivity”, Microchemical Journal, 160, 105706 (2021)

7. Z. Wu, B. Liu, J. Zhu, J. Liu, S. Wan, T. Wu, and J. Sun, “Asymmetrical tapered SMS fiber coupler for simultaneous measurement of temperature and refractive index and its application for biosensing,” Chinese Optics Letters, 18(6), 061201 (2020).

8. Peng Ji, Renbing Tian, Hua Zheng, Jin-gang Jiang, Jinghua Sun, Junbiao Peng, “Solvent-free synthesis of ZIF-8 from zinc acetate with the assistance of sodium hydroxide”, Dalton Transactions, 49(36), 12555-12558(2020).

9. Z. Wu, B. Liu, J. Zhu, J. Liu, S. Wan, T. Wu, and J. Sun, “Ultrahigh resolution thickness measurement technique based on a hollow core optical fiber structure,” Sensors, 20(7), 2035 (2020).

10. Pablo Castro-Marin, Toby Mitchell, Jinghua Sun, and Derryck T. Reid, “Characterization of a carrier-envelope-offset-stabilized blue- and green-diolde-pumped Ti:sapphire frequency comb,” Optics Letters, 44(21), 5270-5273 (2019).

11. W. Wang, C. Guo, J. Tang, Z. Zhao, J. Wang, J. Sun, F. Shen, K. Guo, Z. Guo, “High-efficiency and broadband near-infrared bi-functional metasurface based on rotary different-size silicon nanobricks,” Nanomaterials 9(12), 1744 (2019).

12. 孙敬华,孙克雄,林志芳,孙继芬,晋路,徐永钊,“高功率高重复频率飞秒掺镱光纤激光频率梳的研究(特邀)”,红外与激光工程 48,0103001(2019)

13. T. I. Ferreiro, T. P. Lamour, J. Sun and D. T. Reid, “1.4 GHz femtosecond comb generation by Fabry-Pérot filtering of optical parametric oscillator frequency comb,” Electronics Letters 49(13), 2013.

14. Richard A. McCracken, Jinghua Sun, Christopher G. Leburn, and Derryck T. Reid, “Broadband phase coherence between an ultrafast laser and an OPO using lock-to-zero CEO stabilization,” Optics Express 20, 16269 (2012)

15. Zhaowei Zhang, Chenglin Gu, Jinghua Sun, Chingyue Wang, Tom Gardiner, and Derryck T. Reid, “Asynchronous mid-infrared ultrafast optical parametric oscillator for dual-comb spectroscopy,” Opt. Lett. 37, 187 (2012).

16. Teresa I. Ferreiro, Jinghua Sun and Derryck T. Reid, "Frequency stability of femtosecond optical parametric oscillator frequency comb," Optics Express, 19(24), 24159 (2011).

17. Zhaowei Zhang, Jinghua Sun, Tom Gardiner, and Derryck T. Reid, "Broadband conversion in an Yb:KYW-pumped ultrafast optical parametric oscillator with a long nonlinear crystal," Optics Express, 19(18), 17127 (2011).

18. D. T. Reid, J. Sun, T. P. Lamour, T. I. Ferreiro, “Advances in ultrafast optical parametric oscillators,” Laser Physics Letters 8(1), 8-15(2011)

19. Tobias P. Lamour, Jinghua Sun, Derryck T. Reid, "Wavelength stabilization of a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator: Optimizing proportional-integral control," Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 053101(2010).

20. Teresa I. Ferreiro, Jinghua Sun and Derryck T. Reid, "Locking the carrier-envelope-offset frequency of an optical parametric oscillator without f-2f self-referencing," Optics Letters, 35(10), 1668-1670 (2010).

21. T. P. Lamour, L. Kornaszewski, J. H. Sun and D. T. Reid, “Yb:fiber-laser- pumped high-energy picosecond optical parametric oscillator,” Optics Express, 17(16), 14229-14234 (2009).

22. Jinghua Sun, Derryck T. Reid, “Coherent ultrafast pulse synthesis between an optical parametric oscillator and a laser,” Optics Letters, Vol. 34, No. 6, 854-856 (2009).

23. Jing-Hua Sun , Barry J S Gale and Derryck T Reid, “Control of the carrier-envelope phase of a synchronously pumped femtosecond optical parametric oscillator,” Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(5), 642-651 (2008).

24. 孙敬华; B.J.S.Gale; D.T.Reid; 同步抽运飞秒光参量振荡器中的载波-包络相位控制及其应用, 科学通报, 53(01): 14-22 (2008)

25. D. T. Reid, B. J. S. Gale, J. Sun, “Frequency comb generation and carrier-envelope phase control in femtosecond optical parametric oscillators,” Laser Physics, Vol. 18, No. 2, 87-103 (2008).

26. B. J. S. Gale, J. H. Sun, and D. T. Reid, “Towards versatile coherent pulse synthesis using femtosecond laser and optical parametric oscillators,” Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1616-1622 (2008).

27. Jinghua Sun, Barry J. S. Gale, Derryck T. Reid, “Testing the parametric energy conservation law in a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator,” Optics Express, Vol. 15, No. 7, 4378-4384 (2007).

28. J. H. Sun, B. J. S. Gale, D. T. Reid, “Composite frequency comb spanning 0.4-2.4 mm from a phase-controlled femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser and synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator, ” Optics Letters, Vol. 32, No. 11, 1414-1416 (2007).

29. Jinghua Sun, Barry J. S. Gale, Derryck T. Reid, “Coherent synthesis using carrier-envelope phase controlled pulses from a dual-color femtosecond optical parametric oscillator,” Optics Letters, 、Vol. 32, No. 11, 1396-1398 (2007).

30. Jinghua Sun, Barry J. S. Gale, Derryck T. Reid, “Dual-color operation of a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator exhibiting stable relative carrier-envelope phase-slip frequencies”, Optics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 13, 2021-2023 (2006).

31. Zhu Jiangfeng, Zhong xin, Teng Hao, Sun Jinghua, Wei Zhiyi, “Synchronously pumped femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on MgO-doped periodically poled LiNbO3,” Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 24, No. 9, 2603-2605 (2007).

32. Weijun Ling, Yulei Jia, Jinghua Sun, Zhaohua Wang, Zhiyi Wei, “Low-threshold self-starting femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser”, Applied Optics, Vol. 45, No. 11, 2495-2498 (2006).

33. 令维军,魏志义,孙敬华,王兆华,田金荣,贾玉磊,王鹏,韩海年,“低阈值掺钛蓝宝石激光器实验研究,”物理学报54(9),4182-4185(2005)。

34. 田金荣,孙敬华,魏志义,王兆华,令维军,黄小军,刘兰亭,魏晓峰,张杰,“Öffner展宽器高倍率展宽脉冲的理论与实验研究,” 物理学报54 (3), 1200-1207 (2005 )。

35. 张晓华,张光寅,孙敬华,魏志义,颜彩繁,顾学文,武丁二,“近对称谐振腔的变换圆图解分析,”强激光与粒子束17(10), P.1453-1456 (2005)。

36. 孙敬华,章若冰,胡有方,“自启动KLM钛宝石激光器谐振腔的理论计算,”物理学报51(6),1272~1278(2002)。

37. Jinghua Sun, Ruobing Zhang, Qingyue Wang, Lu Chai, et al., “High-average-power self-starting mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with a broadband semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror.” Applied Optics, Vol. 40, No. 21, 3539~3541 (2001).

38. Ruo-Bing Zhang, Jing-Hua Sun, Dong-Qing Pang, Jian-Ming Dai, et al., “Analytical expressions of quadratic and cubic phases in a three-element resonator for Kerr-lens mode locking.” Applied Optics, Vol. 40, No. 3, 360~365 (2001).

39. 孙敬华,章若冰,王清月,张志刚,柴路,庞冬青,戴建明,“半导体可饱和吸收镜启动的高功率飞秒掺钛蓝宝石激光器,”光学学报21(8),1019~1021(2001)。

40. Dongqing Pang, Ruobing Zhang, Jinghua Sun, Qingyue Wang, “Theoretical analysis of noncollinear phase-matched optical parametric generation in BBO crystal.” Optics & Laser Technology, Vol. 33, 249~254 (2001).

41. Ruobing Zhang, Dongqing Pang, Jinghua Sun, Qingyue Wang, et al., “Analytical expressions of group-delay dispersion and cubic phase for four-prism sequence used at other than Brewster’s angle.” Optics & Laser Technology, Vol. 31, 373~379 (1999).


1. 天津大学优秀博士论文,天津大学, 2004

2. 天津市优秀博士论文,天津市,2005

3. 中国科学院王宽诚博士后奖励基金,中国科学院,2004

4. 湖北省楚天学者特聘教授,湖北省教育厅,2013

5. Heriot-Watt University honorary research fellow, Heriot-Watt University, 2016

6. 中国光学学会激光加工专业委员会委员(2018)、中国光学工程学会光与物质相互作用及其应用专业委员会委员(2023)


