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2007.092011.07  中国矿业大学,应用物理专业,本科毕业

2011.092014.07  暨南大学,光学工程专业,硕士毕业

2014.092018.05  香港理工大学,电机工程系,博士毕业


2018.06-至今     永利集团电子工程与智能化学院,讲师





主要从事利用痕量物质检测的新效应(如光热光谱、光声光谱检测技术),进行光谱气体测量技术和器件的研究,尤其空芯微结构光纤气体传感的研究, 开展光纤气体传感器在环境监测、呼吸检测等重要领域的应用研究。

(一) 主持研究项目


1. Yanzhen Tan, Congzhe Zhang, Wei Jin, Fan Yang, Hoi Lut Ho, and Jun Ma, “Optical fiber photoacoustic gas sensor with graphene nano-mechanical resonator as the acoustic detector,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23(2), 5600211(2017).          Invited paper

2. Yanzhen Tan, Wei Jin, Fan Yang, Yun Qi, Congzhe Zhang, Yuechuan Lin, and Hoi Lut Ho, “Hollow-core fiber-based high finesse resonating cavity for high sensitivity gas detection,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(14), 2887-2893 (2017).

3. Yanzhen Tan, Lipeng Sun, Long Jin, Jie Li, and Bai-ou Guan, “Microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on long period grating for sensing applications,” Optics Express, 21(1), 154-164 (2013).

4. Yanzhen Tan, Lipeng Sun, Long Jin, Jie Li, and Bai-ou Guan, “Temperature-insensitive humidity sensor based on a silica fiber taper interferometer,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25(22), 2201-2204 (2013).

5. Fan Yang, Yanzhen Tan, Wei Jin,Yuechuan Lin, Yun Qi, and Hoi Lut Ho, “Hollow-core fiber Fabry–Perot photothermal gas sensor,” Optics Letters, 41(13), 3025-3028(2016).

6. Fan Yang, Wei Jin, Yuechuan Lin, Chao Wang, Hoi Lut Ho, and Yanzhen Tan, “Hollow-core microstructured optical fiber gas sensors,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(16), 3413-3424 (2017).                  Invited paper

7. Yuechuan Lin, Wei Jin, Fan Yang, Yanzhen Tan, and Hoi Lut Ho, “Performance optimization of hollow-core fiber photothermal gas sensors,” Optics Letters, 42(22), 4712-4715 (2017).

8. Yuechuan Lin, Fei Liu, Xiangge He, Wei Jin, Min Zhang, Fan Yang, Hoi Lut Ho, Yanzhen Tan, and Lijuan Gu, “Distributed gas sensing with optical fibre photothermal interferometry,” Optics Express, 25(25), 31568-31585 (2017).

9. Lipeng Sun, Jie Li, Yanzhen Tan, Shuai Gao, Long Jin, and Bai-ou Guan, “Bending effect on modal interference in a fiber taper and sensitivity enhancement for refractive index measurement,” Optics Express, 21(22), 26714-26720 (2013).

10. Lipeng Sun, Jie Li, Yanzhen Tan, Xiang Shen, Xiaodong Xie, Shuai Gao, and Bai-ou Guan, “Miniature highly-birefringent microfiber loop with extremely-high refractive index sensitivity,” Optics Express, 20(9), 10180-10185 (2012).

11. John Canning, Akib Karim, Nikki Tzoumis, Yanzhen Tan, Rodolfo Patyk, and Brant C. Gibson, “Near orthogonal launch of SPR modes in Au films. Optics Letters, 39(17), 5038-5041(2014).


1. 国际顶尖光纤传感会议The International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS24)技术委员会授予的最佳论文奖“Best Paper Award”,2015.10